2024 Bow Valley Chamber
Business Excellence Award Winners
Congratulations to all of the nominees and winners this year!
Sustainability in Action - Sponsored by Tourism Canmore Kananaskis
Contracted to run the Banff Marathon, SustainDriven made it the “greenest Marathon in Canada and regularly contends for greenest in the world. The Banff Marathon started in 2014 with ambitious goals and when the UN created their sectorial call in 2018, they easily met this standard.”
Community Impact - sponsored by Wim & Nancy Pauw Foundation
Wolfe Canmore
Wolfe Canmore continuously “goes the extra mile to support and uplift our community in arts and culture, amateur sports, education, and volunteerism. Their unwavering commitment to these causes has not only enriched the lives of countless individuals but has also strengthened the fabric of our community.”
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion - Sponsored by Edon
Ashton Construction Services
“ACS is committed to building a safe workplace, where everyone belongs. A place where diversity is not only respected but celebrated. Embracing all forms of inclusivity enriches our company culture, strengthens team dynamics, and enhances the quality of work. “
Young Entrepreneur of The Year - Sponsored by Rebecca Innes Consulting
Makaylah Rogers
“Makaylah Rogers has overcome significant challenges to become who they are today. As a non-binary and queer entrepreneur, they are constantly overcoming societal challenges and discrimination while staying committed to creating an inclusive, safe community space that addresses mental health stigma and builds connections between people. “
Bow Valley Champion of Arts & Culture - Sponsored by Three Sisters Mountain Village
Project A
Jade’s “contributions to arts and culture in our community are invaluable, and she embodies the spirit of this award through her passion, generosity and dedication.”
New Business of The Year - Sponsored by Ashton Construction Services
Stellar Experiences
“Taking leadership discussions out of the conference rooms and immersed into nature, Stellar Experiences aims to create a deep connection between their national and international clients and this magnificent place within the Bow Valley. “
Highlights from BVCC Business Excellence Awards
Nominations for Business Excellence Awards 2024
Young Entrepreneur of The Year Award:
- Malika Sood
- Becca Jules
- Chris Palivan
- Makaylah Rogers
- Jade Ansley
Community Impact Award:
- Carmella
- Frankie D's Donuts
- WonderGo Adventures Inc.
- Ashton Construction Services
- Wolfe Canmore
- Bow Valley Insider
- Origin at Spring Creek
- Montane Architecture
Bow Valley Champion of Arts & Culture Award:
- JSF Audio Productions
- Project A
Sustainability in Action Award:
- Grease Trap Solutions
- HSS Design Build
- All In The Wild Photography
- Natalia’s Sewing and Alterations
- Banff Marathon
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award:
- Ashton Construction
- Frankie D's Donuts
- Origin at Spring Creek
New Business of the Year Award:
- Natalia Sewing and Alterations
- Rockies Real Estate Tours
- Stellar Experiences Inc
- Gemstone Event Center
- Valley Renovations and Repair Inc
- Becca Jules & Co.
- WonderGo Adventures Inc.
- Lovely Ice Cream
- Bow Valley Insider
2024 Bow Valley Chamber Business Excellence Awards
Community Impact Award
The Community Impact award will be presented to a business that has made an immense contribution to our community. This business will have gone above and beyond during the last 12 months to make a tangible impact, demonstrating a commitment to our community.
Some questions to consider while considering a business for this award may be: Have they shown a commitment to the community outside of normal business practices?
Have they shown a long term design to build a diverse, inclusive and balanced community? Have they displayed a clear commitment to social responsibility and
demonstrated community leadership?
Sustainability in Action Award
This award recognizes a bow valley business that has demonstrated considerable positive impact in advancing sustainability in their business, sector, and the local community. It has implemented sustainability strategies and practices that protect the environment, improve individual and community wellbeing, and contribute to our vibrant economy.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award
The DEI Award recognizes a business that goes above and beyond to create a comfortable environment for all employees, partners, and clients. This business uses up-to-date language and actions to promote inclusivity. The recipient is aware of the benefits of working with underrepresented or marginalized groups and takes the necessary steps to include all folks in the workplace.
Young Entrepreneur of The Year
Honors an entrepreneur in any field between the age of 18-35. This young person shows dedication, perseverance and enthusiasm while endeavoring to create a successful business in the Bow Valley. They have overcome obstacles, learned new skills and truly embodies their new role as entrepreneur.
New Business of The Year
The New Business Award will be received by a business in the Bow Valley that has incorporated and begun its operations within the last 12 months. The recipient shows promise of success and is an outstanding addition to the community.
Bow Valley Champion of Arts & Culture
Recognizing a business and/or entrepreneur for their exceptional commitment to fostering arts and culture within the Bow Valley. Their support has enriched local cultural events, empowered artists, and promoted creativity. Through partnerships and initiatives, they've made a lasting impact, inspiring the community to embrace and celebrate the arts.
Bow Valley Chamber Business Excellence Awards and Partners November 2024
Champion Partner: Field Law
Leader Partner: BMO Canada
Civic Partner: Town of Canmore
6 Awards & Award Partners
Community Impact: presented by Wim & Nancy Pauw Foundation
Sustainability in Action: presented by Tourism Canmore Kananaskis
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: presented by Edon
Young Entrepreneur of The Year: presented by Rebecca Innes Consulting
New Business of The Year: presented by Ashton Construction Services
Bow Valley Champion of Arts & Culture (NEW!): presented by Three Sisters Mountain Village
"Thank you to all partners of the Bow Valley Business Excellence Awards, your generosity and support into the business community is greatly appreciated."
Award Partners

Community Partners

Media Partners
We are looking for Bow Valley Chamber Businesses and Not for Profits to sponsor for our Business Excellence Awards.
- Award sponsorships are currently full. Please get in touch as there are other sponsorship opportunities available.
Partners of the Bow Valley Business Excellence Awards will take advantage of a unique and distinguished opportunity to associate their businesses with the very best in the Bow Valley.
Sponsorship of this event is an excellent investment, with the opportunity to increase the profile of your business and to support our community. Our sponsors are an essential and extremely visible part of the event. Sponsorship will provide exposure to 300+ business owners and operators from the Bow Valley.
Position your organization as a supporter of local business, extend the reach of your organization and capitalize on the events’ gathering of key industry players!
Contact us today for more info about available sponsorship opportunities!